
Marijuana Laws in Texas

Don't post drug use on social media! Read on and you'll see why, along with the basic laws, rules, and regulations for marijuana in the state of Texas.

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Divorce and Separation Basics in Texas

A divorce attorney can keep the divorce or separation process, mature, amicable, and efficient. Read on to find out how.

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What to Do if You're Pulled Over for a DWI

There are many things that you can say or do that can get you into even more trouble after getting pulled over while intoxicated. Read on to see how you can do the least damage possible when the red and blue flash behind you.

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Clearing Your Criminal Record: Expunctions and Nondisclosure Orders

Everyone deserves a second chance and a clean slate. Read on to see how you can start your next chapter fresh.

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Holidays with High DWI Arrests

"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!" …to get arrested. Don't let Labor Day, New Year's Eve, or Thanksgiving be the day that you drink and drive. Read on to discover how you can stay safe during the holidays.

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